Quick In less than an instant the fate of a man in split-seconds can be decided forever: State of maternity, birth for eternity. life in the womb or it's death. . . . . .by abortion, "To have and to hold" or so bold in the midnight, upholding 'the vows' or debauching their reverence, Wealth of a life-time - flipping a card - a hard life in prison by squeezing the trigger, Future of nations insane annihilations, pressing 'the button' or pulling a lever. Thoughts blow our souls to the winds in an instant - bearing 'a cross' or 'Cain's mark' . . . .to Omega ! Regeneration As leaves turn brown in autumn, hastening forth to winter's death - So my soul begins to darken,questioning . . . will there be a springtime ? Will I awake and resurrect as lilies burst from last year's graves ? Can my mustard seed of faith become in springtime . . . . . . an Eternal Tree ? Twilight 'til Death When daylight fades beyond the westward heaven's earthly rim, and darkness covers man's endeavors, all must time in slumber spend. Creatures hurrying, scurrying homeward, seeking burrow, nest, and den, are finding shelter 'til tomorrow sunrise lights the sky again. Darkening shadow's reeling eastward, covering hills and vales and dales, absorb the last of twilight's colors - dismal, dull, as grey prevails. Stellar knives pierce earth's dark shroud; the curvature illumined by moonlight -T hose who slumber not, both stalk and become the prey of midnight ! Black On White My words are often stones that crush a soul, or flowing fields of flowers that bring a smile. At times their message heals a broken heart - becoming swords that sever love from hate. Thus quill in hand its nib flings fire-y darts. I cannot know the mark which they may find, nor if the target they may chance to pierce, will bring reward or some remorseful curse. Yet searching in my soul I thus draw forth: black flowing ink to fill white paper scrolls. The dark of blackness then more clearly viewed becomes a living word when shown in light. THE VOICE I can feel within me now a burning tide that swells from deep inside; it yearns to spew a flow of words that sometime seem absurd. Can it be that what I must write down, are only thoughts that bring a smile or frown to those who someday read - or is a deeper meaning there to heed ? Could it be, this voice must now be heard, before the life that gives it breath is 'Ņer, and death consumes the passage; swallows the unwritten message ? Yet, I can't resist the feeling: that the voice within demands revealing. Somehow I'm compelled to write the words it speaks throughout the day and night; So to the task I labor on. . . . . .not knowing into what the meaning may be growing; yet it isn't I who guides the pen. . . . . It is the mystery of: . . . THE VOICE WITHIN! By Ron Baron