Annotate index.html
email protocol:
- write a subject and add 01, 02, 03 depending on your class.
- address recipient by name and sign all email.
email should look like this:
<a href="mailto:YOUR EMAIL">YOUR EMAIL</a>
Change your password: At $ prompt type passwd
Learn basic Putty and UNIX commands.
HTML Pay attention to details, details, details.
Digitize your work for other classes by posting your work, your notes...
- mkdir DATE (ex. 100103) ENTER
- cp *.* DATE (ex. 100103) ENTER
Use dir or ls to see files.
Backing up your work.
1. email your work to yourself
2. make a mirror site. you have a geocities account so use it.
Get a telementor. Do you know anyone, relative, friend, former teacher, neighbor,
anyone who you have had as a mentor who could become telementor for you? You can find
your own telementors, too.
I am seeing homepages that may have too many pictures and moving parts as well as pages
that are hard to read. Consider putting links to your work at the top of the page and
the pictures, etc at the bottom, OR better yet create a new page like
gallery.html that contains all of these graphics and things, and then link to it
from the homepage. This first page is a Table of Contents and should not dissuade
people from wanting to view your work.