RAPS - Rochester Alliance Promoting Science Science mentoring from Univ of Rochester since 1990, liaison between pre-college and college.
The general purpose of this project is to reach out to fifth and sixth graders
to sustain their interest in the sciences, expose them to the opportunities and
careers that are available, and to provide them with positive role models and
mentors in science. The project requires parents, professionals and teachers
to all work together to support children and youth in acheiving high impact
career goals. For mentors, it can be both fun and rewarding to see a pre-teen
or teen grow and learn in new ways, and gain in self-confidence. There are
presently 19 city school children enrolled in the U. of R. RAPS project; we
would like many more students to have the same opportunity!
- Meet some of our Students
- Student Newsletter, Fall 1994, City School #2
Student Newsletter, Spring 1995, City School #2
Student Newsletter, Winter 1995-1996, City School #2
- Student Oral Reports, Fall 1994, City School #2
- Student Oral Reports, Spring 1995, City School #2
- Overview of RAPS, by Bob Babcock, City School #2
TUTOR2000 offers a public service to help match tutors and students in any
subject. You can find it at http://www.tutor2000.com It is global site and offers teachers and tutors the opportunity to post
their resume for free on the Internet. Then, students browse the
available tutors on my site and read about their educational and work
backgrounds. If a student feels that a tutor on our database would be
able to help them in a subject they can e-mail or phone the tutor to
talk about potential tutoring arrangements.
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